Dallas-Ft Worth




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Membership to Dog Scouts offers a rewarding experience of bonding with your dog through troop activities and positive reinforcement based training opportunities, educational experiences, socializing, camaraderie with other like-minded dog lovin' individuals, feel good opportunities like helping with the Meals on Wheels annual holiday event, and just downright FUN.

Attending troop meetings and membership to Dog Scouts of America is separate from your dog earning his/her Dog Scout certification. To learn more about certification check out the DSA & Badges section of this website.

Anyone who is onboard with learning the The Dog Scout Way and adhering to the The Dog Scout Laws is welcome to become a member of Dog Scouts of America, with or without troop affiliation; however, if you would like to join the largest troop in the nation, we'd love to have you join us in Troop 119.

Discovering the benefits of Troop 119 and Dog Scouts is as easy as 1-2-3...

...1 - Contact our Troop Leaders, Mart and Cindy Ratliff, to obtain an invite with
.........information to an upcoming troop meeting.

...2 - Familiarize yourself with the "Bandana Alert System" and attend a
..........troop meeting or two to see how much fun you've been missing.

...3 - Let Mart & Cindy know you are ready to join. They'll ask you to complete
.........some paperwork and pay your first year's membership dues.

Membership dues are $30 annually for one human individual (add $5 for each add'l participating human family member). If you would like your dog to start with the title "Cadet Scout" ask Mart & Cindy how to obtain this optional title and collar tag.

Troop Dog Swim Pool Party

Meals on Wheels Dog Gift Bags
(the van is loaded with gift bags too!)

Dog Scouts of America is a 501(c)(3) Organization